These LOL-worthy encrypted messages are the future of visual content. One million memes are shared daily on Instagram. This staggering number is not being monetized enough by brands. We have listed down every reason why brands should take memes seriously: As Covid hit the world, lockdown compelled users to increase their screen time in the hopes of escapism. Memes seem to have perfectly morphed themselves as a serving aid for good laughter amidst all the agony, Brands who leveraged these trends have reaped the benefits of meme marketing. Meme marketing since 2020 has taken an all-time high; here are some useful insights for 2021-22: Memes are a raging trend 85% of all the content shared online is memes. Today, everyone and anyone is familiar with the meme vernacular. Potential Market Capture 55% of all memes shared are by 13-35 yr olds. Memes are a language for Millennials and Gen Zs today, and brands need to entice users with their lingo. Users want memes 74% of all online users follo...