These LOL-worthy encrypted messages are the future of visual content. One million memes are shared daily on Instagram. This staggering number is not being monetized enough by brands.
We have listed down every reason why brands should take memes seriously:
As Covid hit the world, lockdown compelled users to increase their screen time in the hopes of escapism. Memes seem to have perfectly morphed themselves as a serving aid for good laughter amidst all the agony, Brands who leveraged these trends have reaped the benefits of meme marketing. Meme marketing since 2020 has taken an all-time high; here are some useful insights for 2021-22:
Memes are a raging trend
85% of all the content shared online is memes. Today, everyone and anyone is familiar with the meme vernacular.
Potential Market Capture
55% of all memes shared are by 13-35 yr olds. Memes are a language for Millennials and Gen Zs today, and brands need to entice users with their lingo.
Users want memes
74% of all online users follow meme accounts. Memes hold a major stake in online content consumption, the more brands participate, the more engagement they’ll receive.
Develop a Brand strategy with a punch line:
Brands now are using the unconventional social phenomena of meme-fying their digital identity but with a more personalized touch. The key idea is to trigger human sentiments by amplifying the ‘been there, done that!’ factor.
1. Meme-nt Marketing
Memes get 10 times more reach than any other form of content. Memes alone account for 60% of organic engagement, making them more susceptible to going viral
2. ROI is no joke!
Meme marketing generates a CTR of nearly 14%, and that too with a minimum to almost 0% cost of investment. Memes don’t cost you anything but get you all the big bucks.
3. Guaranteed Brand Recall
An online survey found that users retain at least 65% of the information they see in memes. Brands can leverage relevant memes to position their product with their TG and drive sales.
At iCubesWire our approach to meme marketing is all puns and more action. Our idea was to create content that cracks. Take a look at how we joke around with our brands:
- Time their laugh
Time is of the essence, hit the post when it trends. Moment Marketing is all about timing; when you find a relevant trend to your brand, make sure you participate in it. We have created some memes for our brand Luxor that gained massive reach:
Image: (Panchayat Luxor)
2. Let them get the joke
Nothing sells more than a relatable meme. Make memes that are simple yet relatable to your audience. Your meme marketing is successful if your user wants to share it.
Image: (vHealthSharkTank)
3. Don’t kill the joke
Humor is a funny business and brands need to make sure they don’t offend or alienate their customers in any way. The existence of such challenges is easily subsided by the numerous benefits memes have in store for us. Subtly integrate your product into relevant memes because brands posting irrelevant content often lose out on engagement.
Image: (BBK: Chotibachi ho kya)
The decade-old satire of meme sharing is now a prominent catalyst in the world of digital marketing. The bottom line is that memes help you create brand awareness, exposure, and customer engagement. From a fad to a new age phenomenon, implementing meme marketing into the digital marketing aspect of your business is the only logical step.
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